Building a Community Against Bullying

Why can’t we all get along?

I was a very awkward teenager.  I grew really quickly, and maybe it was a little too fast for my coordination.  I tripped and fell often, and was a little « chubby » for the social images in the media. I was not one of the « popular » girls but I had a lot of friends because I am a sociable person.  I honestly never came across bullying in my years in the public school system (sometimes later on in life at work, but not as a teenager).  Maybe it occurred, but I was in my egotistical teenage bubble and did not see it…  Today, I am a teacher in an inner-city high school with a diverse multicultural immigration population.  Recently, I have been coming up against some major challenges in my classroom.

Being teenagers in today’s world, my students are coming up against the tough challenges of cyber-bullying when they go home and bullying in the school and in my classroom.  From being in close proximity to each other and since my students see each other half a day on a daily basis; these challenges may be even more amplified.   I want to ensure that all of my students feel safe and comfortable to attend my class on a daily basis.  I want my classroom to be a haven for them; so that each individual feels like a part of our classroom community and they learn.

Until Friday, I had a student teacher teaching this class.  As of Monday, I am taking over the class and want to ensure that I am prepared for the challenges ahead.  Last year, I adapted and translated some Freedom Writers activities from the book Freedom Writers: teachers guide by Erin Gruwell (and yes, the movie is based on her experiences in the classroom) into French.  The students seemed to enjoy it as it provided an opportunity for them to get their feelings and ideas onto paper in the French written language.  I don’t want to mark them, as I think that this activity is even more than giving a grade.  I want it to be learning experience about themselves and their learning and living environment. (if you object to this, please comment as well…)

I think Freedom Writers may help, as well as strict routines and classroom rules about respect.  However, I would like to take this opportunity to open up the dialogue to other teachers and administrators who have come across bullying and the wounds it can create and how they have confronted this issue.

Aidez-moi s’il-vous-plaît!  I care about my students, and my own personal growth as a teacher.  I need you!  I have been hearing about other stories lately on the news, a lady who hired a bodyguard for her daughter, parent conversations on Virgin 95.3 as well as student testimonies of the tragic results that can occur from bullying, please help me protect my students (and maybe help others along the way…)

Wednesday, February 29th is anti-bullying day in Canada: WEAR A PINK SHIRT to show solidarity!

I have written this post in English in order to address a larger population (since most of the members of my PLN can communicate in the language…amongst others)   


5 Comments on Building a Community Against Bullying

  1. Vicky Loras
    février 19, 2012 at 10:51 (12 années ago)

    Hi Shauna,

    It is great that you are helping your kids so much on the issue of bullying. I absolutely love Erin Gruwell and her books have helped me a great deal in my teaching – her empathy towards her students is amazing and I love all the ways she uses to come closer to them. One that has stayed in my mind is the line game, where she puts tape on the floor and tries to bring the kids closer to one another.

    My opinion is, go for it, you are going to do great things with them and I am looking forward to seeing how it will go. I am sure they will respond positively to it – they have a great teacher!

    All the best to you and your students from a Canadian in Switzerland,

  2. Anonyme
    février 19, 2012 at 3:07 (12 années ago)

    Hi Shauna,

    Your blogpost is timely with bullying being big in the media right now. I think that Social Media has made bullying much worse so we need to be ultra vigilant as teachers and parents. I was also bullied in high school and I was traumatized. If Social Media had existed back then, it would have been truly disastrous for me. Bullies should be dealt with severely and swiftly. They need to be outed as bullies and they need to be forced to self-reflect. I believe that bullies have major self-esteem issues and that is why they bully.

    • Sylvia Duckworth
      février 19, 2012 at 3:08 (12 années ago)

      Didn’t mean to submit above comment as « Anonymous ».

  3. Mirela Vasilache
    avril 20, 2012 at 12:41 (12 années ago)

    Hi Shauna,

    En ce qui concerne l’intimidion je te réponds en français parce que c’est plus facile pour moi. J’ai eu le même problème l’année précédente (maintenant je suis en congé de maternité) mais j’ai utilisé des activités d’un site we qui s’appelle Ces activités ont amélioré un peu la situtaion. je dis un peu parce que je l’ai découvert tard, vers la fin de l’année. Le principal but du site est de contribuer à la construction identitaire en milieu minoritaire francophone et à la fierté de l’usage du français mais beaucoup d’activités peuvent être utilisées pour créer un climat de classe plus positif, plus accueillant. Par ces activités tu peux enseigner le respect, l’estime de soi, les valeur, la résponsabilisation de l’élève. Moi, je vais l’essayer l’année prochaine. Regarde la section boîtier virtuel. Tu trouveras toutes sortes d’activités. Moi, je trouve que c’est une très bonne ressource. Même si tu cherches juste des activités de communication orale.

    À la prochaine 🙂

    • MmeNero
      avril 25, 2012 at 10:45 (12 années ago)

      Excellente poste Mirela, merci pour avoir partagé ce site. J’ai hate de l’explorer!


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